The Journey to a Fulfilled Dream (Pt. 2)
And just like that...we were REALLY looking for our new house! But wait! What about our current house? Would we sell it? Would we rent it?
Ultimately, we decided that selling it was the best option for us. The next step was to take our desires to God. We wrote out our prayer (petition), along with scriptures from God's Word, to serve as our physical reminder of the specifics of what we desired and the Word of God we were standing on. Included in our petition were declarations and thanks. We asked and thanked God for His leading through the Holy Spirit. Among others, we thanked God for His supernatural favor throughout the process. We declared that through us, others would be blessed. Above all, we proclaimed that we would continue to always put God first.
Sunday, April 30th, we physically demonstrated our faith and trust in God when we sowed a SUBSTANTIAL seed offering into our church's building fund campaign, "Building our Future". Although we could have "easily" put the money towards our plans, we made sure we took care of God's house over ours. And because we did, we were now in position to move forward.
That week, a family member referred us to a local real estate agent who we met on Friday, May 5th. During the meeting, she gave us tips for preparing our house for sale. Although it was a laundry list of tasks, LT assured her that we would get them done within a couple of weeks. She graciously looked at us and said, "Don't overwhelm yourselves. Take your time and call me when you are ready." (It was obvious that she was not used to encountering people like LT who are determined and eager to finish what they start. Nor our God, whom we depended on for strength and guidance throughout this journey.)
Once she left, LT and I got our game plan together and were ready to complete all of our tasks. You see, when you are walking by faith, you can't go by what you see. Although we had no clue of "where" we would go, we were preparing our house to sell so we could move!
When we called our agent two weeks later to let her know we had completed our tasks and were officially ready to put our house on the market, she was surprised! She said that based on her years and years of experience as a realtor, she didn't think we would be calling for a few months. It was during this conversation that LT and I declared that, through us, she would see things she had never seen before. And she would know it was God who made it possible.
A few days later, our agent returned to see our completed tasks and to discuss house selling strategies. She advised that because of the current real estate market, it would be in our best interest to hold lots of open house events, in an effort to receive the best offer. We, on the other hand, told her that we would leave our house on the market for two weeks and would review offers on Wednesday, May 31st. She thought this was unrealistic. In addition, because we only wanted to entertain serious offers, we would not have a physical "for sale" sign on our property. Instead, all interested parties would either come during scheduled open house events or by appointment. Again, this was not the "norm". Her years of experience advised otherwise, but she, reluctantly, agreed to our terms and on Thursday, May 18th our home was officially listed on the market!
Our first open house was held a few days later on May 21st. Once it concluded, our agent called and reported that there were only a few visitors. Of course she was disappointed. But LT and I were excited. We knew that we didn't need a lot of visitors. We just needed one PERFECT offer. Still, she urged us that it was in our best interest to hold several more open house events over the upcoming weeks...And again, we reminded her that we only needed ONE perfect offer and that we planned to keep our original review date.
Again, she thought we were being unrealistic. However, our house had only been on the market for a week, yet our phone constantly rang with calls from people interested in seeing our place! It seemed as though I was scheduling house tours left and right! And these were not scheduled through public open house events!
LT and I wanted to have our final open house event over the Memorial Day weekend. Once again, our agent urged us to wait until the following week because, based on her past experience, most people (including herself) would be out of town. To her, this meant we wouldn't have a lot of foot traffic. To us, however, it meant more opportunity for the "right" person to come through. Since she wasn't available, we didn't have a public open house. Instead we scheduled several private appointments over that weekend, including Memorial Day!
Although, up until then, we hadn't received any offers, we weren't swayed or led to change the due date for submissions. We still intended to meet with our agent on Wednesday, May 31st to review all the offers.
On Tuesday, May 30th, we received word that our agent received an offer on our house. But before giving us any particulars, she wanted to review it and present it our meeting the next day. This news served as confirmation that we were still on the right track. We only needed one perfect offer.
On the day of our scheduled meeting, the enemy tried to distract and delay us from getting to our meeting. (Isn't that just like him to try to derail you from God's plan?) For example, LT had a train delay, causing him to run a bit behind schedule. But we didn't get off track. We knew that God was with us.
The meeting began with, "You're not going to believe this! Not only did you receive the one offer I told you about yesterday. You received five. ...Hold on... CORRECTION! You received six!"
Say what?! Of course we believed it because we knew God would show out on our behalf! And EVERY. SINGLE. OFFER WAS FOR MORE THAN ASKING PRICE!!
And then these words came out of our agent's mouth: "This has to be because of your prayers!"
Her declaration was, yet another, confirmation of our answered prayer. Through us, she was seeing and experiencing things she hadn't before! And she could only give credit to God! Thank you, Father!
After much consideration, we accepted our perfect offer! And now the clock was ticking! We had to move. But to where????
If you enjoyed reading this WHOAment, you may also like "The Journey to a Fulfilled Dream (Part 1)"
I love hearing from you, so let's chat!
*Do you have a specific goal that you are wanting to achieve in 2017?
*Describe your dream home.
*If money were no object, where would you chose to live?
*What do you think happened next on our journey?