Memory Lane Monday

I know it's Monday and you were expecting to read a new WHOAment, right? Me too! (Remember that these WHOAments are for me first; I just happen to share them with you.) Well, things don't always go the way I plan. Scratch that! With the Holy Spirit's leading, things rarely go the way I plan! But ultimately, they go just the way they should. ha, ha. "Funny" how that works, hunh?
Rather than publishing a new WHOAment today, I was led to revisit some of my past
Inspirational WHOAments. I read Fluidly Corrected, "Reality" TV, God of Explosive Abundance, Delayed But Not Denied and Keep Calm. And Focus..
And now that I've obeyed. I understand why:
My main reason for sharing these WHOAments with you is not only to give us things to think about and apply to our lives, but doing so holds me accountable. Revisiting my past WHOAments allowed me an opportunity to see His words to me and to remind me of my assignment, which has nothing to do with me, but everything to do with Him! God uses me to reach people who will want to develop their relationships with Him because of something I wrote.
So rather than publish a new WHOAment today, I encourage you, too, to revisit past WHOAments! The ones I mentioned above are really good but there are many, many more on the site.
On another note, I believe that I was led to read past WHOAments because soon I will begin a collaborative writing project outside of WHOAments. Although the timing of it is testiment and confirmation that God will use my writing to fulfill His plan, He reminded me that I am on assignment and to not get distracted, content or comfortable with where I am now. He wants me to reach high and outside the box so that he can bring forth my harvest. Remember my declaration that 2017 is going to be amazing?? God has already opened doors, for which I had no key and is presenting opportunities for me to fulfill His plan through my writing! It's so much bigger than me or anything I could have dreamed up and I am excited about all the possibilities and thankful for His favor!
With all that said, hopefully you too will use this Memory Lane Monday to revisit some of the WHOAments on the site and be encouraged!
Hmmmm!! Maybe this is a new WHOAment, after all. :)