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Inventory Check

One of the cleaning tasks I like to conquer every few months or so is cleaning the corners, cracks and crevices in our home. This summer, I decided to retire our old stick vacuum and replaced it with a mop/vacuum, which I absolutely love. Yet, even though it is perfect in every other way, it doesn't allow me the ability to clean said cracks and crevices. So back on the hunt I went to find another "tool" that I could use.

I decided that a cordless, handheld vacuum would be perfect for the job. After a few weeks of online research, I headed to a local store to pick up one and once I got it home, I plugged it in and let it charge...for hours. and hours. and hours. and hours. It took almost the whole day for the green "ready" light to flash and when it did, I was so excited! I headed straight for our kitchen window sill. You should have seen how giddy I was to see all the dirt being sucked up into the canister. But right when I got into a good groove, the "charge me" light flashed bright red and the suction began to weaken by the second. I was so disappointed! I was also irritated because this thing cost too much money to lose its power so quickly. It had, literally, only been about ten minutes.

After reading the owner's manual, reviews and online comparisons, I learned that the charge in most handheld cordless vacuums doesn't last very long. (Where were these reviews when I was doing my research, though?!) Ok. So maybe a cordless vacuum wasn't what I wanted after all. After returning the vacuum the next day, I headed back to the vacuum aisle to browse the corded selections. But, I wasn't moved to buy any of them.

Later that day, I returned home and began cleaning again. While doing so, my mind wandered back to my desire to have a handheld vacuum. I hadn't gotten around to doing the research on a replacement vacuum, but I still wanted one. Suddenly, I remembered that the stick vacuum that I had been banished to the garage had a detachable head! In all the years we owned it, I don't recall ever using that part of it. I ran to the garage to retrieve and the crevice tools and attachments were hanging in their storage bag right next to it! I brought "Old Faithful" in the house, cleaned the filter and went to work, hand vacuuming all the "things". I was, as my Grandma used to say, "happy as a lark." I didn't have to go out and get another one because what I needed, I already had.

As I vacuumed, I received this simple WHOAment that I shared on my Instagram story: Stop looking for more. Check your inventory! God has already blessed you with "it". Use it!

My dear friend, how many times have you prayed for God to give you peace during your storm? Or the ability to forgive someone who has offended you? Or joy after you've experienced loss. Or healing? Or ________ (insert your desire)? The things on our lists seem never ending. However, I heard the Holy Spirit reminding us that He has already blessed us with "it" and it's time to use "it".

As God's children, He made us just like Him! Everything we think we may need, He has already provided and placed within us. We have no lack. Of anything! (Hallelujah!) So, when we are in the midst of turmoil, heartache, challenges and storms, we may be tempted to feel like everything good is out of reach. And as a result, we pray and ask God to give us these things, rather than activating what's already inside.

Remember, the enemy wants us to think about all the stuff we believe we are lacking. He wants us to go on a quest to find them. So, start by meditating on and thinking of all the good things in your life. It's hard to focus on negativity when you are purposefully focusing on God's goodness!

Then, thank God for giving you whatever it is you "think" you need. For example, thank God for His peace that surpasses all understanding. Thank God for leaving you with peace of mind and heart - peace that the world can not give you. Thank God that because of the peace He gave you, you will not allow your heart to be troubled and you will not be afraid. (John 14:27). Continue to thank God. Soon, you will notice that you already have the peace of God! And if you keep your mind on God, you will have perfect peace! That peace that allows you to sleep when all hell is breaking out around you. That peace that allows you to smile when everyone else thinks you should be losing it. That peace that allows you to laugh when everyone else thinks you should be crying. God's peace.

I am thankful for this WHOAment because in it, I found security in knowing that I am a child of the Most High and I am fully stocked, locked and loaded, with nothing lacking! I will activate what He's placed inside me and I will check my inventory before searching/asking for more! 💚



If you enjoyed reading this WHOAment, you may also like "Why Me?"

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*What have you been asking God for that He's already provided?

*Name some good things in your life.

*Are you looking for cleaning motivation? Check out WHOAment TV.

*How will you apply this WHOAment to your life?


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