Friday's Fab Fortunes {6.1.18}
It's Friday and you know what that means!!! Here are this week's top five Fortunes for which I am grateful! Enjoy!
"giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ," ~ Ephesians 5:20 (NKJV)
Hello June!!
Wow! We are, literally, half way through 2018! When/how did that happen? So far, the first 6 months of this year have brought me lots of opportunities to stretch my faith muscles! But, yet, here I stand! Today, I am stronger, wiser and ready for the next 6 months! 2018 has been a phenomenal year! #HelloJune
Pray, Obey and Vote!!
I'm not proud to admit it, but there was a time in my adult life when I did not participate in voting. Ignorantly, I believed that my vote did not count and a waste of time. Fast forward to a few "good talking to's" from my then friend, LT, I began to see the importance of voting and now realize just how significant the voting process is. People fought, and continue to fight, for such a right! This week, I prayed and am currently completing my ballot so my voice will be heard! #Voting2018
God's Plan!!
This week, a home with the EXACT same floor plan as ours was purchased for waaaay more than the price we paid. In fact,this has been the case for ALL the homes sold in our neighborhood this year! It's not that we bought our home "at the right time" or that we were "lucky". It is, however, a testament that when you are led by God and follow His plan, He will cause supernatural things to occur for you! This week, LT and I were reflecting on the events that led to us selling our previous home how God led us to our perfect home and we continue to thank Him for it! #OurPerfectHome
My Support System!!
I am thankful for my support system. I believe that it takes a village to build an effective community and I have one of the strongest villages surrounding me! The Holy Spirit who checks and guides me. LT's wisdom and love. My mom's unconditional support and prayers. My sisters who cheer me on. Friends and readers who wish and pray the best for me. I am covered! God has given me the perfect mix of greatness and I am forever grateful! #TCsVillageRocks
TC Edits!!
This week, my editing business, TC Edits, accepted another client! This opportunity seemed to fall right into my hands and I tightly grasped onto it! It's amazing how God places the right people in our paths at the right moment! I am believing that lots of great and awesome things will come from this partnership! I look forward to sharing more about this special endeavour with you, so stay tuned! #TCEditsForMe
If you enjoyed reading this WHOAment, you may also like "Friday's Fab Fortunes {4.27.18}".
I love hearing from you! So let's chat!
*What were your top five Fortunes from this week?
*What were you able to accomplish during the first 6 months of 2018?
*Did you or are you planning to vote in this election?
*Where do you shop for good bargains?
*Who is your core support system?
*Do you need an editor or writer? Consider hiring TC Edits for your project!