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Friday's Fab Fortunes {4.7.17}

It's Friday and you know what that means!!! Here are this week's top five WHOAments for which I am grateful! Enjoy!

"giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ," ~ Ephesians 5:20 (NKJV)

Sunny Skies!!

It's raining today, but I am thankful that we had at least two sunny and warm days before the rain came. The sun always seems to spark my creativity and boosts my mood. I look forward to many, many sunny days ahead. #HelloSunshine


Spring Break Is Coming!!

Usually we take the girls away for their spring break. But this year we opted for a "stay-cation" instead. I am looking forward to spending time with them as we explore places around the Bay Area. (Pray for me! I'm looking forward to it now but let's see if their Spring Break makes it to my top five next week. :/ ) #SpringBreak2017


Kudos Kayla!!

This week, Kayla received an awesome recognition and appreciation from her teacher, who also acknowledged that Kayla has a great support system at home. Today I am grateful for Kayla's accomplishments but also for her teacher who recognizes the greatness in our daughter as well! Deuteronomy 28:4 promises that our children are blessed and Kayla is a testament of it! #KudosKayla


My Jazzy Jazz!!

This week we received notice that Jazmyn has been selected to receive an award for her academic accomplishments (for the second year in a row). She is nominated to receive an award as a "Thriving Student" for the first semester of the school year! As I've said before, Jazmyn is an honor roll student and we are EXTREMELY proud of her accomplishments! Deuteronomy 28:4 promises that our children are blessed and Jazmyn is a testament of it! #GetItJazzy

Just in case you can't read it: " The XXX Unified School District is pleased to inform you that your child has been selected to receive an award at this year's annual African American Recognition Night. The award is being given to African American male and female students for academic achievement, personal growth or contributions to community service during the first semester of the 2016/2017 school year.

Your child is nominated to receive an award as a THRIVING STUDENT...Thriving students have earned a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher in all academic subject areas for the first trimester."



This week, my cousin, Carmen Rubin, a nationally recognized author, inspirational speaker, and one of my "SHeroes" reminded me of an email conversation we had back in 2009! I was telling her how proud I was of her because she had published her first children's book, "Ashti Meets Birdman Al" and that she inspired me to turn my writing into a career. This was a great reminder that MY WORDS MATTER! #Goals

Just in case you can't see what I wrote: "Carmen, I am so proud of you! I love to write and you have inspired me to look into making it into a career (not sure what path I will take yet, but will need your advice along the way, I am sure)."




If you enjoyed reading this WHOAment, you may also like Friday's Fab Fortunes {3.31.17}.

I love hearing from you! So let's chat!

*What are your top 5 WHOAments from this week?

*How is the weather where you live?

*Are you out for spring break? What are your plans?

*How are you doing on those goals you set at the beginning of the year?


Tell me what you thought of this WHOAment!! Your comments may be shared with others for encouragement.

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