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Friday's Fab Fortunes {4.26.19}

It's Friday and you know what that means!!! Here are this week's top five Fortunes for which I am grateful! Take a break and enjoy!

"giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ," ~ Ephesians 5:20 (NKJV)

Ms. Fluffles!!

Last week, I shared that my Sister Friend helped Kayla begin her art project for school and asked you to guess what it was. Kayla and I worked on the finishing touches this week. If you guessed that it was a bunny, you were correct. Meet Ms. Fluffles. #MsFluffles


Marriage Enrichment!!

LT's coworker invited us to join him and his wife for a Marriage Enrichment Fellowship hosted by their church. Upon receiving the invite, we accepted because it is an opportunity to spend time with a like-minding couple, also interested in improving upon their marriage covenant. I am hopeful that the information we obtain will be useful and bear fruit in our marriage. #MarriageEnrichment



Tonight, both Jazmyn and Kayla will be honored as THRIVING STUDENTS and receive an African American Student Achievement & Excellence Award! This is Jazmyn's 5th award and Kayla's first (only 5th through 12th graders are eligible). Both girls are hitting strides academically and it is our prayer that they continue! What a way to start the weekend! #BlackGirlMagic


We completed Week 3 of the #CleanwithTC Spring Cleaning Challenge! This week, our tasks were to memorize and meditate on Hebrews 10:24, provoke someone by sharing our #CleanwithTC progress pictures/videos and deep clean our bathrooms? How did you do this week? Remember to share your progress @tcswhoaments and use the hashtag "#CleanwithTC"! #CleanwithTC


It's Date Night!!

Tonight, LT is in charge of our date night planning. He's shared with me that we will be seeing Avengers: End Game around 10:40 tonight! Of course, I'm excited about seeing the movie (even though I'm going to need the Holy Spirit and lots coffee to stay awake during all three hours of the movie), but I'm more excited about spending time with My Boo! #ThompsonDateNight




If you enjoyed reading this WHOAmentâ„¢, you may also like "Friday's Fab Fortunes {4.19.19}".

I love hearing from you! So let's chat!

*What were your top five Fortunes from this week?

*What did you think Kayla's project was?

*When was the last time you invested in your marriage?

*What advice would you give to your younger self?

*Are you participating in the #CleanwithTC challenge? Remember to send progress, before and after pictures & videos! (On IG, use #CleanwithTC)

*Have you watched Avengers: Endgame? What did you think of the movie?


Tell me what you thought of this WHOAment!! Your comments may be shared with others for encouragement.

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