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Friday's Fab Fortunes {4.21.17}

It's Friday and you know what that means!!! Here are this week's top five WHOAments for which I am grateful! Enjoy!

"giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ," ~ Ephesians 5:20 (NKJV)

Spring Break Success!!

This year, we opted to stay home for spring break and it was a success! We did lounge around a few days, due to the rain. But we also managed to get outside of the house to enjoy the fresh air and city sites. #SpringBreak2017


A Sweet 16!!

This week, I was able to spend time with a teen from our church who recently turned 16! She is a joy to be around and I really had a good time spending one-on-one time with her. (So much fun that I forgot to take a pictures...) #HappySweet16Piera


Non-Scale Victories!!

On this journey called "health and fitness", there are certain victories and milestones that you just can't measure with the scale (because it often lies, right??). This week I noticed that my "kangaroo pouch" is slimming down! I am blessed with a husband who loves to cook and being the supportive and excellent wife that I am, I eat it. Every. Single. Bite. So seeing that my consistent exercise routine and healthier eating paying off is motivation to keep it up! #TCIsGettingHealthy


Grandma Time!!

This week I was able to spend time with my grandmother (and my aunts, uncle and cousins). I count it a blessing that my grandmother is still active and able-bodied. Even as a forty-something year old, I still get her hugs and love the same way I did when I was younger. #GrandmasAretheBest


Resurrection Sunday!!

This week we recognized the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!! As a born-again believer, I believe in the virgin birth and that Jesus died AND rose for my sins so that I can have everlasting life. Had he not rose from the dead, it would have been a "normal crucifixion". But because He lives, I live! #ResurrectionSunday

Side note: To check out a pictorial of one of the most epic historical events in history, click here.




If you enjoyed reading this WHOAment, you may also like Friday's Fab Fortunes {4.7.17}.

I love hearing from you! So let's chat!

*What are your top 5 WHOAments from this week?

*What did you do for spring break?

*Are you on a healthier lifestyle journey? What was your latest non-scale victory?


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