Friday's Fab Fortunes {3.15.19}

It's Friday and you know what that means!!! Here are this week's top five Fortunes for which I am grateful! Enjoy!
"giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ," ~ Ephesians 5:20 (NKJV)

A Good Walk!!
Although we changed the clocks for daylight savings time, no one alerted the weather that it was supposed to also warm up an hour earlier. This means my normal daily walks are colder than I am accustomed to. So, on almost all the days this week, I had to shorten my walk because it was so cold. Except one day! There was a day when I managed to get my usual, long walk in and I got it done! It was rewarding and I felt accomplished after. #TCsGettingFit

TC, The AP!!
In Monday's WHOAmentâ„¢, "Follow the Leader", I asked what current projects you have on your goal list and volunteered to serve as your Accountability Partner. Someone reached out and accepted my offer and now I am working with them to help them reach their goals. I am confident we will see the fruits of our working together. #TCtheAP

Snow in the Bay!!
The weather in Northern California has been FREEZING! We're talking in the mid-40's and 50's, ya'll. (I understand that it isn't comparable to what my East Coast friends are experiencing, but let us have our moment and claim it as such.) This past Sunday, within a span of about 20 minutes, it actually was actually lightening, thundering, raining, hailing AND snowing. Don't believe me about the snow? Here are pictures to prove it. #SnowinTheBay

Happy Mail!!
I am blessed to have lots of consistent WHOAmentâ„¢ readers. If you've "Joined the Conversation", you already know that I read and respond to every comment. We are an interactive group over there and it always make my day when I receive notes from new WHOAmentâ„¢ Friends! This week, I received a comment about "Follow the Leader" that confirmed it was an on-time message. and our Tribe is growing! #HappyMail

It's Date Night!!
Time to hit the streets (or the sheets if you are married) and enjoy DATE NIGHT! It's my turn to plan this week and I've planned a fun evening for LT and me. I'm looking forward to spending some quality time with my Boo! #DateNight

If you enjoyed reading this WHOAment, you may also like "Friday's Fab Fortunes {3.8.19}".
I love hearing from you! So let's chat!
*What were your top five Fortunes from this week?
*How are you adjusting to the time change? Is it light or dark when you wake?
*Are you on a "journey" (eating healthier, professional growth, etc.)? Want an Accountability Partner to help crush your goal? Email me!
*Did you experience the snow in the Bay Area? Share your pictures!
*Have you Joined the Conversation?
*Do you and your spouse still have fun together? Describe your favorite "fun" date.