Friday's Fab Fortunes {1.26.18}

It's Friday and you know what that means!!! Here are this week's top five Fortunes for which I am grateful! Enjoy!
"giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ," ~ Ephesians 5:20 (NKJV)

Workouts Done!!
Over the past few weeks, I let laziness and the cold deter me from my workouts. But not this week! I managed to get two workouts in (hopefully I will get one in today and tomorrow). Thankfully, I've found a YouTube channel for those times when I don't want to go outside. I am getting back on track. #TCsGettingHealthy

Heirs Together Homework Complete!!
Every month, LT and I attend Heirs Together, our church's ministry for married couples. We had a homework assignment which is due on Sunday. I am proud to say that we completed our homework and are ready for our next meeting. I am highlighting this because when you put in the work towards your marriage, you will reap the rewards. And it's my reaping day! #HeirsTogether

Netflix and Chill!!
LT and I found another series to watch on Netflix. Even though, sometimes one of us (usually me) can only manage to watch an episode or two before dozing off, I look forward to spending that time together watching something we both like. #NetflixandChill

Bonding Time with Jazzy!!
Jazmyn had finals this week and as a result, she had a few minimum days. She loves to draw and paint. One of her after school desires was to come home and spend time painting outside. When she set up a space for me to join her, I reluctantly agreed because it was cold and windy outside. Yet, she insisted. I figured it was an opportunity to spend one on one time with her so I obliged. There we sat, doing what we love...her painting and me writing. It was wonderful...until a strong wind came and knocked over her paint water! Session was DONE. But it was nice while it lasted. ha, ha #BondingwithJazzy

Annual Mother & Daughter Date!!
Every year around this time, my mom and I have a standing date to attend a crab feed that is sponsored by her boss. Although I am not much of a seafood eater, the time spent with my mom is priceless. There is also an older woman who works as a hostess at the event and, because of God's favor towards me, she always makes sure that I am well taken care of throughout the evening. She even "makes" me take extra food home. Of course I love the special treatment she gives, but she also gives the best hugs. #MotherandDaughterDate
If you enjoyed reading this WHOAment, you may also like "Friday's Fab Fortunes {1.19.18}".
I love hearing from you! So let's chat!
*What were your top five Fortunes from this week?
*How do you manage to get your exercise during the winter?
*What are your tips for a healthy marriage?
*What is your favorite series or show on Netflix?
*What is your favorite hobby?
*What is your favorite seafood?