Dear Jazmyn Niquel

Dear Jazmyn,
Before you were born, I always knew that I wanted children. As an only child, I dreamed of the day when I would have a handful of "mini-me''s" running around and when I found out I was pregnant with a girl, I was ecstatic because you were my dream come true. And although I had no idea how to be a mother, you made the adjustment very easy. By all definitions, you were an "easy" baby. (Thank you.)
I was no different than most other first time parents. You were my pride and joy and I cherished being your Mommy. If I had it my way, I would have put you in a bubble, protecting you from the outside world and all its woes. But I soon realized that in order for you to grow and mature, I had to ease up a bit and allow you to experience certain things for yourself. It was a hard adjustment then and it's still hard today.
Watching you develop into a beautifully intelligent young lady has been quite the experience for me! There are times when I look at you and think, "Okay...she's got it!". And then there are times when I wish there really was an actual bubble that I could stick you in.
Like Na'nee has with me, you and I have open lines of communication. There isn't anything that you can't talk to me about --no matter how great or small. And likewise, I have always been, and will continue to be very transparent with you because I want to be your example, not just as your Mommy, but as a woman of God. I am not perfect, though. I've made mistakes and I hope that by my sharing those experiences, you will learn from them and decide that you want better for yourself.
It's amazing how much of me I see in you. I see someone with so much potential, but at the same time, she second-guesses herself. She hears the encouraging words of others, yet she needs to have more self-confidence. Yet, when she accomplishes her goals, she wonders why she ever doubted, why she hesitated.
Of course you are a beautiful and intelligent young lady. But make no mistake about it, I see greatness in you! God has placed a special gift and calling upon your life and once you let go and allow Him to develop it fully, you will soar! We've had numerous talks about this, so you know exactly what I am talking about.
As you go through life, you will face challenges, adversity and obstacles that are meant to test you. However, I hope when you are going through those things, you hear my voice in the background, cheering and encouraging you. But even over my voice, I hope you hear and listen to that still small voice of God telling you the way go. Trust me, He knows!
Happy Birthday! I love you, my Jazzy Snazzy! You will always be my baby!
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l love hearing from you! So let's chat!
*Please wish Jazmyn a Happy 14th Birthday.
*If you know Jazmyn, what do you love most about her?
*If you could rewind time, how would you want to celebrate your 14th birthday?
*What is the best piece of advice you can give Jazmyn as she turns 14?