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Content Break for the Summer

​Hey there, WHOAment Family! How are you doing? I've been busy, bizzy and b-u-s-y! Not only is it summer break for our daughters, but LT and I have been very busy "goal busting"! When I tell ​you that God has showed Himself faithful ​AND far exceeded any plan that we had for ourselves! Man! It's awesome. I plan to share EVERYTHING with you soon! I promise! And when I do, I hope it encourages you.

​In the meantime, I wanted to pop in and let you know that I plan to take a break from releasing new WHOAments for the remainder of the summer. But not to worry, the site is still open for you to catch up on past WHOAments, and you know I always enjoy hearing from you, so feel free to email me!

Until the next time, remember to cherish every WHOAment! See you in September!

There have been lots of exciting things happening in our family and I am looking forward to sharing! See you in September!




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