Friday's Fab Fortunes {2.3.17}

It's Friday and you know what that means!!! Here are this week's top five WHOAments for which I am grateful! Enjoy!
"giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ," ~ Ephesians 5:20 (NKJV)

Couples Getaway!!
It's here again because I am that excited!! I am blessed with a husband who knows the importance of us spending time together without the kiddos. We are planning a getaway and I am excited! #CoupleTime

Book Pages [Still] Matter!!
For those who read my "Don't Mess with Kayla's Books!!" in my Friday Fab Fortunes {11.11.17}, then I am proud to announce that book pages still matter to Kayla. This week she was eager to go to the library to check out two books she placed on hold. After she checked them out and once she was in the car, she gasped in horror because someone's child scribbled on the first, blank page of the book! I advised her that she should tell the Librarian so they wouldn't blame her once she returned the book after reading it. She went back in the library, showed the librarian and said, "THIS is why you NEED to check EVERY book when it's returned!!" The Librarian sheeply smiled and said, "OK" (like he was in trouble). Then he placed a sticker noting the "damages". #BookLivesSTILLMatter

Proud Mommy!!
Jazmyn received her report card and she has an A in all of her classes, but one. Those who know her already know the class she didn't get an A in. (smiles) But, she said that her goal this semester is to bring that P.E. grade up so that she will have straight A's. I'm a proud mommy! #GoJazzy

She's A Citizen!!
Every woman knows the importance of finding the right nail technician. I did and I'm proud to say that she is a USA of this week. When I went in for my appointment, my nail tech, Mai, met me at the door to announce that she passed the American Citizen Test! That put a smile on my face, especially this week! #CongratsMai

It's Date Night!!!
Every married couple should still date! Tonight is our date night and I'm excited about it -- especially since it's my turn to plan. I can't tell ya'll the plans because LT hasn't received them yet. But I can say that I'm looking forward to spending time with My Boo! #DateNight

I love hearing from you! So let's chat!
*What are your top 5 WHOAments from this week?
*Do you watch the Superbowl for the game, commercials, halftime show? Or are you there for the food?
*For the married folks: Do you still date your spouse? What is your favorite date night activity?