Friday's Fab Fortunes {1.13.17}

It's Friday and you know what that means!!! Here are this week's top five WHOAments for which I am grateful! Enjoy!
"giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ," ~ Ephesians 5:20 (NKJV)

Couple Time!!
It's the simple things that mean so much. This week, LT and I spent time on our couch cuddling and watching a movie. #NetflixandChill
Side note to my movie buffs: The Accountant is awesome! Your'e welcome.

An Awesome Find!!
This week, I bought the cutest purse! It's one of this week's highlights because it was only $2.50! #WHATADEAL
I realize that my female readers probably appreciated that Fortune more than the men; but it definitely made my day so I had to share. :-D

Revamped Website!!
I revamped my website for the new year. If you haven't had an opportunity to do so, take a moment and check it out! Click here to visit "Another WHOAment in Time with Tiffany" at #WHOAments

Farewell Obama!!
President Barack Obama delivered his last speech as our country's 44th President. It was heartwarming to hear his shoutouts to his wife, Michelle, daughters, Malia and Sasha and our Vice President, Joe Biden. I will definitely miss his swag! #POTUS

Time of Reflection!!
Four years ago, a very good friend and brother in Christ passed away unexpectedly. Damon Estell is a great example of living by faith and I am forever blessed by his presence in my life. Today I will spend time with his wife (and my good friend), Rachel, reflecting on his legacy and the good times. #DamonMEstell
To read my WHOAment tribute about Damon, click here.

I love hearing from you! So let's chat!
*What are your top 5 WHOAments from this week?
*What was your last bargain find?
*What did you think of President Obama's farewell speech?