New Year, New Me
At the end of every year, a popular meme begins to pop up across social media. The image is a woman standing on a platform, which is meant to represent the current year. On that same platform is a pile of all the negativity she oversteps so she can leave it behind. She is prepared to climb the next stair, which represents the incoming, new year. She's carrying a flimsy backpack filled with a plethora of positivity to take with her into the new year. Year after year, this image is used as a pictorial anthem for those who look forward to reinventing and improving their old selves in the new year. Most often, it is accompanied with the hashtag "NewYearNewMe!"
Over the winter break, I cleaned my closet - literally. During that process, I noticed lots of items that I wanted to keep: the silver earring I found in my purse, which I wanted to keep just in case I found its mate -- even though it had been sitting in that same purse for most of the year and the dresses, skirts and jackets I wanted to keep because maybe I will wear them again... eventually. As my project continued, the pile of items I planned to keep was far bigger than what I wanted to donate or haul to the trash bin. As I added items to the"keep" pile, I had a WHOAment: in order to see the results you expect, you have to get rid of the clutter. It was a direct message I couldn't ignore or debate. Instead I filled trash bag after trash bag with donation items and trash. My closet is now spotless.
This year, I am expecting an abundance of blessings! I am declaring and claiming that I will be utterly amazed by the abundance of God's favor in my life! I am experiencing an excitement in anticipation! I need to de-clutter my spiritual life to be in proper position to receive. I can not operate this year the same as last year -- or any other year. I can't bring the same "me" into this year, expecting different results. Just like my closet, I need to throw out things that are hampering my growth. I can no longer live life like the "New Year, New Me!" lady. I can no longer step over or close my eyes to my spiritual trash. Today, I am purging!
To be real, we've seen people who make declarations on January 1st, only to fall back into their same ways and routines on January 2nd. I don't want to be one of those people. I want to live a life that is pleasing to God. Identifying the junk is the first step.
I realize it is going to take more than declarations and virtual trash bags to get me on track. I need to replace the clutter with sustenance. When I consistently demonstrate forgiveness, patience, honesty, love, repentance, compassion, grace and submission, with Christ, I am well on my way to different, lasting results.
"And no one puts new wine into old wineskins; or else the new wine bursts the wineskins, the wine is spilled, and the wineskins are ruined. But new wine must be put into new wineskins." ~ Mark 2:22 NKJV
I love hearing from you! So let's chat!
* ​What do you need to de-clutter so that you are in a better position to receive
​ the best this year​?
* ​What are your SMART goals for the new year?