Got Fruit?
In Friday's Fab Fortune {12.16.16}, I mentioned the challenges I encountered while shopping for bulk Christmas cards. I was on the hunt to find cards that displayed the Reason we celebrate Christmas: Jesus Christ. I went to three different stores and although the cards were located in the sections with big, bold signs reminding customers that Christmas Day is on December 25th, few actually contained the word "Christmas" and none said "Jesus". Instead, almost all were with donned ornaments, snowmen, Santa Claus or gingerbread men. And most of them wished the receiver a "Happy Holiday Season".
This caused me to pause and consider the times in which we live. Satan has convinced many people to turn from the Light to darkness. While his tactics are subtle, the consequences of following evil are catastrophic. Under his lead, people have been deceived to believe that evil is good and good is evil. He is now using "political correctness" to get people to omit Christ from their lives, which can only lead to destruction.
"Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" ~Isaiah 5:20 (NKJV)
For example, he convinced people that it was ok to ban prayer in school. Then he convinced them to remove the Ten Commandments from public and government buildings. Now he is attempting to separate Christ from Christmas, all for the sake of being politically correct (or "PC").
It's subtle. So, many times it goes unnoticed. For instance, when you go into stores, although the signs on the front door announce their "Christmas Eve" and "Christmas Day" hours, the clerks wish you "Happy Holidays" as you leave. Check out commercials on TV. There are numerous ads for "holiday" sales events. A well known coffeehouse has ditched their annual red Christmas cups for a "PC" cup. These are just a few examples. But the list goes on.
Out of all the national holidays, Christmas is probably one of the best times for Believers to impact the world. I say this because it is recognized as the time of year to give and receive. Even people who claim they don't believe in God are more open to receive at Christmas.
One way for Believers to impact the world is through giving fruit. Hold on, though! Don't go out and purchase any apples, bananas, oranges or pineapples. Instead, give them the fruit that Christ gave you: love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness and faithfulness.
Here are practical ways you can give your FRUIT to others during Christmas:
Remember, Christmas is all about the birth of our Risen King, Jesus Christ. He is the Reason for the season! The next time someone wishes you "Happy Holidays", keep Christ in Christmas by telling them to have a "Merry Christmas!"
Wishing you a very Merry Christmas, from my family to yours!
I love hearing from you! So let's chat!
* Have you noticed the "Holiday" ads? *How do you plan to spend Christmas?
*What fruit(s) have you given today?