Friday's Fab Fortunes {11.11.16}
It's Friday and you know what that means!!! Here are this week's top five WHOAments for which I am grateful! Enjoy!
"giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ," ~ Ephesians 5:20 (NKJV)
I Prayed. I Obeyed. I Voted!!
In my last WHOAment, Pray, Obey & Vote, I urged you to seek God's guidance for voting. I did as well. When the results were in, I was still at peace, knowing that I voted with leading of the Holy Spirit. I did my part. I was also reminded that there are many accounts in the Bible where God pricked the hearts of ungodly rulers and used them to build His Kingdom. Because I believe the Bible isn't an "old book written for old times", I still trust that He is in control! #HealOurLand
I Continue To Shine My Light!!
This week, Donald Trump became the 45th President of the United States of America. What an historical event, to say the least!! After the results were in, many voiced their hopelessness and anger regarding the outcome. I am blessed to say that unlike past events when I was tempted to join in, my first reaction was to continue shining my light by encouraging those who may believe their hope comes from a man/woman, government or anything else outside of God. I recognize the turmoil our country is experiencing. I also realize that God is in control and I will not allow myself to become distracted by those who want me to believe contrary. #InGodWeMustTrust
Don't Mess With Kayla's Books!!
Kayla, our eight year old, loves to read. I believe that if she could read 24/7, she would. This week at the nail shop, the nail technician who polished her nails thought she was doing her a favor by folding the page in her book so she wouldn't lose her place. But it had the opposite effect! Kayla was upset! She said that she NEVER EVER folds the pages in her books because she always remembers. She said that the technician 'vandalized her book' and 'she wasn't even sorry'. As a writer, I am proud that she loves reading, but I didn't realize the depth of her emotional attachment to her books. Lesson learned. #BookPagesMatter
*You/we may not be able to see the indentation from the page, but Kayla sure can!
Jazmyn's Relationship with Jesus Christ!!
One of our greatest desires is for our daughters to develop their own, personal relationships with Jesus Christ. Last Sunday, November 6th, during our church service, Jazmyn received the gift of the Holy Spirit, evidenced by speaking in an unknown language (also known as speaking in tongues). She prayed and received and is excited about sharing her faith with others! I overheard her telling her friend 'No! You can't fake it! It's real!' #ShineYourLight
Thank You, Veterans!!
Today we celebrate, thank and give honor to all the men and women who served in the United States Armed Forces. I salute you all! #ThankYouForServing
What are your top five WHOAments from this week? Share them below.