Friday's Fab Fortunes {10.14.16}

It's Friday and you know what that means!!! Here are this week's top five WHOAments for which I am grateful! Enjoy!
"giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ," ~ Ephesians 5:20 (NKJV)

My Mind!!
This week, Jazmyn and I visited our local library. I'm not sure if it's because a few blocks over, the police have stepped up the patrol on the homeless camps or if this is simply "normal". But the number of the homeless/mentally challenged people who came to the library was eye-opening. For instance, the elderly woman who sat at the table across from us completing a workbook obviously meant for a child reader, spelling all of her answers aloud, 'I-C-E!' or 'TWO PLUS FOUR EQUALS...SIX'. Or the other woman who loudly accused the librarian of changing the numbers on her cell phone, which resulted in her being locked out of her '$#$$*#$&* phone!' Or the man who smoked in the restroom. Seeing this afforded me the opportunity to not only say a prayer for them, but also for me to be grateful for my mind.

WHOA! Where did that come from, TC!? YOU are grateful for the rain?! Yes. You read correctly. I am thankful for the downpour - ahem drizzle - that is currently outside my window. I never thought I would say this, but today, I welcome the rain and the sounds it brings. It seems to relax me as I am typing. Who woulda thunk it?!

Learning New Skills!!
I'm not sure if you've noticed, but I want to point it out! I am getting better at making my own graphics for my posts! Even as you read this, I am discovering more ways to keep my content interesting and innovative. Stay tuned for more!

More Happy Mail!!
This week, my former supervisor text'd me a picture of an envelope with my name on it. She said it contained the card she intended to give me on my last day and that it had been on her desk since. She (finally) put in the mail and I received it yesterday! The words were so heartfelt and, of course, it made me smile. (She said she bought a thank you card because her brain couldn't process that I was leaving so she thought saying thank you was more appropriate than saying goodbye).

Our Vacation!!
Soon, LT and I will go on our couple's vacation... enough said! #WeddedWHOAment

What are your top five WHOAments from this week? Share them below.