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Friday's Fab Fortunes {9.16.16}

It's Friday and you know what that means!!! Here are this week's top five WHOAments for which I am grateful! Enjoy!

"giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ," ~ Ephesians 5:20 (NKJV)

Love Hangover Feedback!!

I've received great feedback from my Wedded WHOAment, Love Hangover. While this post was expressly directed to those who are married, I've heard it inspired some singles to look forward to being married so they can enjoy their spouse as God intended. The WHOAment also allowed a widow to positively reflect on her sexual relationship with her late husband and how it enhanced their life together. It's always an honor to know that my WHOAments have inspired others. It encourages me and let's me know I am on the right track.


Spending Time With Friends!!

This week, I was blessed with an opportunity to have lunch with a few of my "seasoned" friends. I've known each of them for years and count it such a joyful privilege to be able to sit and break bread with those who are filled with so much knowledge, insight and wise counsel! It is always a joy to see them and I am looking forward to the next time!


Celebrated 75 Years of Fierce Fabulousness!!

This week, I had the pleasure of taking part in the 75th birthday celebration of my dear friend, Ms. Billie McVay!! I met Ms. Billie almost 16 years ago when I first began working for the Superior Court of Alameda County. Since that time, we crossed the line of being (former) coworkers to family. Here's to you Ms. Billie!!


My Accountability Partner!

I am grateful to have a creative writing/accountability partner who keeps me focused on my goal! We meet regularly and discuss our upcoming projects, personal and business goals and serve as great motivation to each other. I am always excited and inspired whenever we meet and let our creativity energy flow!


Tonight is Our DATE NIGHT!!

You already know why this is my #1 FRIDAY FAB FORTUNE!!




What are your top five WHOAments from this week? Share them below.

Tell me what you thought of this WHOAment!! Your comments may be shared with others for encouragement.

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