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Five Things I Love About LT

On August 7, 2008, I married my best friend, Lorenzo Thompson (aka LT). This past Sunday, we celebrated seven years of marriage! Although countless, I'd like to share my top five things that I love about my husband.


Lorenzo holds me accountable

Before LT and I married, we were good friends. He was the one person who saw and recognized my true potential, long before I did. Because he saw that potential, he would challenge me to step up and be the Godly woman he knew I was called to be. It should not have come as a surprise that as his wife, LT would still have those same expectations (and more). To this day, LT reminds me that just as God wants the nothing but the very best for me, he does as well. As such, he won't sit by idly when I am tempted to return to my "old self". He still calls me out on things and holds me accountable when he sees me slipping. Although some "calls" are easier to accept than others, I am so grateful that after all these years of knowing me (both the "old" and the new), he still loves me enough to tell me the truth in love and gets me right back on track.


Lorenzo makes me laugh

Funny thing. Even as I started typing this, I laughed. Have you ever laughed that side-splitting, close-to-wetting-your-pants, can't-see-straight kind of laugh? The kind where you want to stop but you can't? LT constantly makes me laugh that way. There will be times when he's cracked me up so much that even when I am alone and think back to whatever it was that he said or did to make me laugh, I'll start laughing all over again. Everyone who knows me personally, knows that I can be goofy and silly. So his humor is very much welcomed and appreciated. They say that laughter is good for the soul and because he constantly makes me laugh and we have fun together, my soul is GREAT!


Lorenzo is affectionate and he loves ME

When we took The 5 Love Languages® test, we confirmed that physical touch is a must for both of us. Perfect! I love that LT isn't shy about showing me affection -- wherever. I love his rubs, touches, bites and kisses. Now, I hate to admit this, but I am the shyer of us and sometimes I can be a little prude (I said "sometimes"). But the fact that he welcomes my hugs, rubs and kisses makes me giddy! Every woman wants to feel desired and LT makes sure that I know he does. Wait! Did he just bite my arm? Yep! He loves me.


Lorenzo fights fair

Every married couple has disagreements. If they tell you they don't, they aren't telling you the truth. In some households, disagreements turn into un-Godly shouting matches or result with someone sleeping on the couch or in the guest bedroom. Not in our house. Lorenzo is so level-headed and calm that he takes the "punch" (no pun intended) out of arguing. Even if I am tempted to raise my voice, which I learned early in our marriage that that is something that we just do not do), it would be pointless. Lorenzo listens to the words that I say and can weed through all my emotions to find out the root of my issue. This is one of the reasons there is so much peace and joy in our home. I guess you could call it an art and he's mastered it.


Lorenzo is a true man of God

These days, there are so many people who claim to be Christians and to love God but once you spend a little time with them, you soon find out that their actions and lifestyle don't line up with Christ's. From the time that we were friends until now, I've had countless opportunities to observe LT in action.

One thing for sure: He is a true man of God. He is a man of great integrity. He keeps his word. His "yeses" mean yes and his "nos" mean no. He is a praying man. He is a leader. He is bold (as a lion). He is highly favored. He is humble. He is blessed. He blesses others. The list goes on and on. But most of all, He loves Christ first, which enables him to love me.





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