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Remembering 9/11

If you were to interview every person in the United States and ask them to reflect on Tuesday, September 11, 2001, I'm confident they would be able to tell you exactly what they were doing and the emotions they felt as the news came that the United States of America was under a physical attack. I am no different.

Back then, I was a real life news junkie (I could, literally, watch news shows all day long) and, like I did every morning, I remember having the news on in the background while I was getting ready for work. Suddenly, there was a breaking news report that an airplane had "accidentally" flown into the North Tower of the World Trade Center in New York. After hearing that, I thought to myself, "Wow. There's horrible. I hope everyone is ok." And I went about my day as usual. Or so I thought.

By the time I exited the freeway, reports came in that another plane crashed into the South Tower and it becoming clearer that this was no accident. By all reports, America was under attack.

I won't recount all the events of that day. But there are two things I remember most about Tuesday, September 11th:

  • On the morning of 9/11, my girls' father and I left home not speaking to each other and the second I learned that our country was under attack, whatever it was that I was experiencing in that moment seemed so insignificant compared to what was happening to our Nation. In that moment, I learned that our lives can change within seconds. Now, I use that lesson that tomorrow is not promised to us and I choose to cherish all the important people in my life.

  • On September 11th and the days following, I experienced one love in our Country. It seemed that during that time, people went out of their way to unite with one another. America bonded as one. There were days of prayer. The atmosphere was beautiful.

So, today, as we reflect on September 11, 2001, let us remember the victims, the survivors and the heroes of 9/11.

Selah! ~TC

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I love hearing from you, so let's chat!

*Where were you and what were you doing when you heard the the news of 9/11?

*What is the first emotion you experienced of 9/11?

*Have you visited the 9/11 Memorial and Museum in New York?

*What positive lesson(s) did you glean from 9/11?


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