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Friday's Fab Fortunes {3.8.19}

It's Friday and you know what that means!!! Here are this week's top five Fortunes for which I am grateful! Enjoy!

"giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ," ~ Ephesians 5:20 (NKJV)

We Decorated Our Living Room!!

This August, will mark two years since we moved into our dream house. Even before moving, we agreed to take our time decorating just the way we wanted. This week, we added our formal living room to the list of completed rooms and I love how it turned out. But, I have to admit that THE BEST and MOST REWARDING part was seeing LT's big smile once I showed him the finished room (think HGTV shows and how they do home decor reveals). #LTsSmileMakesMeSmile


Still Losing!!

I am happy to announce that I am still on my "TC's Getting Fit" journey! Over the past few months, I have lost a few dress sizes and tons of inches. Again, I haven't changed anything in terms of dieting, but I have been consistently walking and it's still paying off. I'm still excited about it! #TCsGettingFit


Walking the Talk!!

Last month, LT and I traveled to Napa to enjoy a 3-day marriage retreat, "Marriage Getaway 2019", where we learned the power of reminiscing in our marriage. We both agree that this getaway was the best yet. Now that we have been home for a week or two, I am happy to say that I am consistently applying what I learned while there (and from previous getaways). And of course, it is rewarding! #RemembertheTime?


International Women's Day!!

International Women's day is part of a month-long celebration of women’s contributions to society and history. Throughout the month, I will participate by highlighting women I greatly admire because of their entrepreneurial spirit, courage, wisdom and/or strength.

Although there are numerous women who I admire, I want every woman in my life to know that I see you and notice the changes you are making, with God, to be better yourselves to make an impact in your marriages, lives and communities! Here's to you, ladies!

Today's PHENOMENAL WOMAN is my cousin, Carmen N. Rubin. Carmen is a nationally recognized Author, Producer, Inspirational Speaker, Founder of a nonprofit youth organization and so much more. While her resume is extensive, what I love most about Carmen is her love for teaching, laughing and living life to the fullest. A bonus attribute is her love for children of all ages. The way that she connects with them is unmatched! She is definitely one of my SHE-ROES!

You can read more about Carmen on her website and her books are available on Amazon. #CarmenRubin


Lunch Date with my Boo!!

My week started awesomely because it included a Sunday date with LT. After service, we headed over to a local restaurant where relaxed, laughed and cupcaked over lunch. #DayDatewithLT




If you enjoyed reading this WHOAment, you may also like "Friday's Fab Fortunes {11.16.18".

I love hearing from you! So let's chat!

*What were your top five Fortunes from this week?

*Do you like watching HGTV? What is your favorite show?

*Are you on a "journey" (eating healthier, professional growth, etc.)? Share with me.

*Name an activity that you and your spouse enjoyed while dating.

*Name a woman you admire. Why?

*Where is your favorite date night spot?


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