Friday's Fab Fortunes {3.31.17}

It's Friday and you know what that means!!! Here are this week's top five WHOAments for which I am grateful! Enjoy!
"giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ," ~ Ephesians 5:20 (NKJV)

More Energy!!
This week, I managed to walk every day! I am glad about it because it came with the side effect of more energy. Because my energy level is higher, I am more prepared for my day and I get more accomplished. #YayEnergy

Making LIfe Better For Others!!
This week, I was reminded that I am here for a purpose much bigger than myself when a family member told me that hearing my laugh always makes them feel better and when they are having a bad day, hearing my laugh reminds me that everything is going to be alright. I was encouraged by that because I consider myself as lighthearted and "goofy" because I am always laughing about something. So hearing that it makes other people happy, I have joy. (And yes, I am smiling as I type this). #SmilingIsContagious

Mothers & Daughters Hangout Was Fun!!
In last week's Fab Fortunes, I told you about a special day that my cousin and I planned. It was so much fun! We started the day with breakfast then headed to downtown San Francisco for a day of window-shopping, laughing and fellowship. We ended the night eating dinner and dessert and with more laughs. I always look forward to spending time with my family and I definitely enjoyed that day! #GirlsDay

No Distractions!!
Working from home definitely has its benefits. Yet, I've come to realize that if I am not disciplined and on task, I can become easily distracted and very unproductive. Over the past couple of weeks, I have cut out distractions (no tv and limited social media). And man...what a difference! This week has been very productive! #NoDistractions
Side note: It's equally important to limit what/who you listen to throughout the day. I start my day with praise and worship. Throughout the day, I play recordings of my Pastor's messages or a "feel good", "uplifting" music playlist. I encourage you to do the same and you will notice a difference.

It's Date Night!!
You already know how much I look forward to our date nights and it's finally here. It's my turn to plan and I am looking forward to spending quality time with LT! #CoupleTime

If you enjoyed reading this WHOAment, you may also like Friday's Fab Fortunes {3.24.17}.
I love hearing from you! So let's chat!
*What are your top 5 WHOAments from this week?
*What is your favorite form of exercise?
*Do you have siblings?
*Are you still dating your spouse?