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Friday's Fab Fortunes {3.10.17}

It's Friday and you know what that means!!! Here are this week's top five WHOAments for which I am grateful! Enjoy!

"giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ," ~ Ephesians 5:20 (NKJV)

Hello Sunshine!

Ok. I know I told you that I've learned to embrace the rain...sort of... but I LOVED this week's spring-like weather. The sun shined so brightly and the birds seemed to chirp a little louder. It also gave me another opportunity to get out of the house. (No. I didn't go to the Cheesecake Factory). And it prompted a few, good workouts. #SpringisAlmostHere


More Dates With My Babe!!

LT gave me one more reason to appreciate him and the fact that he recognizes the importance of our continual dating. This week, he suggested that we meet regularly for lunch dates. (I am smiling as I type this because he still "gets me".) #StillDatingMySpouse


Awesome Job, Kayla!!

This week, I went to pick up Kayla from school and saw her teacher coming out of the building, which was the perfect opportunity to do a quick check in. I'm glad I did because Mrs. D. had very positive things to say about Kayla's progress! Those of you who have interacted with Kayla know that she is very vocal (ahem...that's a nice way of saying she is always talking about something). But her teacher reported that she has been very focused and on task. She complimented Kayla's intelligence and said she is doing very well academically. She also said that she is very respectful and sweet. #WaytoGoKayla


Stepping Out Of My Comfort Zone!!

This week, a business meeting allowed me to see all the possibilities in my role as an Independent Editing Consultant. It also allowed the watering of all the seeds LT has planted in my life regarding my outstanding potential and the steps that I need to take. I keep telling y'all (and myself) that 2017 is an amazing year! I see it coming into fruition and I am excited! #OutsidetheZone


We Were Zombied!!

LT and I had an EPIC date night! First, we headed to San Francisco for dinner at Palomino (if you haven't had their gorgonzola fries, you are missing out!). Afterwards, we went to Beyond Escape, which was a ton of fun and laughs. Together, with four other people, we used our "Jason Bourne", operative skills to find clues and solve riddles that would help us find the key to get us out of a locked room. WHILE WE WERE BEING THREATENED BY A ZOMBIE! Although we weren't able to beat the clock in time to escape, we had so much fun trying. Then, as if this wasn't a great way to end our night, we headed back to the East Bay and caught a (really, really) late showing of 'Get Out'. What a night!! #StillDatingMySpouse




If you enjoyed reading this WHOAment, you may also like Friday's Fab Fortunes {3.3.17}.

I love hearing from you! So let's chat!

*What are your top 5 WHOAments from this week?

*What is your favorite season?

*What did you last do to step out of your comfort zone?

*Do you still date your spouse? What was your last?


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