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#CleanwithTC: The Rules

If Jesus (or anyone else) were to stop by your house unannounced, would you be able to freely invite Him (or them) in? Maybe? Maybe not?

Well, let's do something to prepare both our spiritual and physical homes so we won't be embarrassed to welcome in any visitor!

It's time for the #CleanwithTC Spring Cleaning Challenge! The rules are easy: Each week, we will focus on cleaning one room or area in our house. We will also memorize and meditate on one Bible verse.

Simple enough, right? The challenge begins on Monday, April 8th and we will end around April 30th (or so). Are you up for the challenge? Email me and let me know! Also, remember to tag me (#CleanwithTC) so I can keep up with your progress and give you a shout out! Who knows, you may also receive complimentary cleaning products from me to help you maintain your clean house! Let's have some fun!



I enjoy hearing from you. So, let's chat!

*Are you up for the challenge? Email me and let me know!

*Need additional cleaning motivation? Check out the WHOAment YouTube Channel! Subscribe today!!


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