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Re: Happy Mother's Day

Hello darling,

Wow it has now been close to 43 years! I remember my water breaking just little before midnight on Saturday, November 30, 1974. We drove from Pacifica to San Francisco (UCSF) hospital. I was having light contractions and back then you had to have a bowel movement prior to them giving you something for the labor pains. I remember having two strong ones and after I was given an epidural. After that I dilated to a two and stopped. That said, I was in labor for 15 hours (no pain) after dilating only to a two and was then sent into the operating room to have a cesarean instead of having my baby girl vaginally.

And that baby girl has grown up into a beautiful woman (my daughter, Tiffany)! I am so proud to be your mother. You have blossomed in so many areas of your life. First and foremost ,your relationship with the Lord, outstanding wife and Mom. I salute you today on the mission that God is leading you.

Looking forward to our Mother’s Day weekend!

Signed Proud Mom!

Love so much!

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